Thursday, 20 June 2013

Afternoon Tea at The Ritz

Those of you who read my first ever blog post about my 21st Birthday Celebrations, are aware that I am a huge fan of afternoon tea, and all the things that go with it. My parents thought that the most appropriate gift to me would be Afternoon Tea at The Ritz in London, the most iconic location for afternoon tea.   

My sister and I had spent our morning galavanting and exploring Notting Hill, so made our way over to The Ritz. Slight London novices we had arrived a little early all dressed up and slightly nervous, excited, and hungry, our poor tummies didn't know what to make of it.

I didn't really know what to expect of the Ritz, but it exceeded whatever my expectations were, in every way. The building itself is beautiful and decorated with such a traditional and elegant touch, you cannot help but be in awe of the place. So many iconic people have taken tea here, and it was the first ever hotel to allow women go to afternoon tea unaccompanied. The history, the grander of the building itself, it is impossible not to be intimidated by it.

Emma and I did eventually managed to pull ourselves together and find our way over to the area for afternoon tea. 

The lighting in The Palm Court where the afternoon tea is held, is apparently the most flattering light in Europe due to the frosted glass ceiling and pink chandeliers, just the right shade of pink to flatter skin tones. Unfortunately, the light is not so camera friendly. 

We were asked to select what kind of tea we wished for, and to be perfectly honest I was unaware that 16 different types even existed, and Twinnings wasn't one of the options. So I went for 'Ritz Royal English'.

Pinkies up...

My sister Emma does not drink tea or coffee so was slightly stumped for choice. She did however eventually pluck up the courage to ask for a hot chocolate.

Of course it wasn't the powder stuff... but liquid chocolate like the river in willy wonka's factory.

Now it was time for some food.

Classic finger sandwiches all of which were delicious. We polished them off rather quickly and was promptly refilled.

Then for the scones, which came out warm as though straight from the oven.

Of course strawberry jam and cornish clotted cream.

Which led to some debate as to which should be applied first... Emma thought jam, I thought cream... any thoughts?

Either way, they went down rather nicely.
The food didn't stop coming either: trifles, lemon drizzle cake, chocolate cakes and other sweet treats were continuously offered throughout. 

We were successful in trying everything, and left with very full tummies.

We had an absolutely fantastic day together, topped off by the spectacular experience that is The Ritz. 


  1. ohmygosh! that looks like such a gorgeous place you lucky girl! I would love to have afternoon tea some where like that one day :)
    both of you looked beautiful!

    1. Thank You!!
      It was truly fantastic... Definitely put my afternoon tea parties to shame!!

